Car wholesaler Stokman en Schrier Auto’s is specialised in purchasing and selling second-hand cars. We primarily focus on the business-to-business segment.
Stokman en Schrier Auto’s has many years’ experience in the car wholesale business and has gradually built an extensive network with purchasing and selling partners. Due to the close contact with these partners and the short lines, we can communicate faster and more personally.
We have a varied assortment and deliver at competitive prices. We set great store by personal contact with our customers and take pleasure in checking out with them if we have the car in stock they are looking for.

Questions? Contact us!

Rijnlanderweg 1421
2153 KE Nieuw Vennep
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 252 622 127
Fax: +31 252 622 128
Mail: info@stokmanenschrier.nl